Senior Controller (m/w/d)

Festanstellung, Voll- oder Teilzeit · Heidelberg

Lesen Sie die Stellenbeschreibung in:
Ihre Aufgaben
  • Verantwortlicher Ansprechpartner für betriebswirtschaftliche Themen der Forward AM-Gruppe, insbesondere hinsichtlich Planung, Forecast sowie Monats- und Jahresabschluss 
  • Übernahme von Projektverantwortung, Unterstützung bei der Implementierung und Umsetzung von unternehmensweiten Standards sowie bei der Digitalisierung unserer Controllingprozesse
  • Analyse und Kommentierung von Abschlüssen sowie Finanzkennzahlen nationaler und internationaler Tochtergesellschaften
  • Projekt-/Vorstandsvorlagen und Präsentationen für Vorstandstermine erstellen und abstimmen
  • Berichterstattung zu Projekten, Geschäftsergebnissen, Entwicklungen und Maßnahmenplänen durchführen sowie Beratung in betriebswirtschaftlichen Fragestellungen geben
  • Definition von betriebswirtschaftlichen Kennzahlensystemen zur Messung von Ergebnisgrößen, Kosten, Liquidität und Preisen bereitstellen und weiterentwickeln
  • Erstellung und kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung des regelmäßigen gruppenweiten Finanzreportings
  • Erstellung von Performance Indikatoren für das Group-Controlling (Dashboards, KPls, Analysis)
  • Aufbereitung von Ad-hoc-Analysen
  • Eigenständige Betreuung und Beratung der Tochtergesellschaften
  • Weiterentwicklung von bestehenden BI- & Reporting-Systemen
  • Optimierung von betriebswirtschaftlichen Prozessen
  • Sparringspartner für unsere Geschäftsleitung und die Fachbereiche
Ihr Profil
  • Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder Wirtschaftsinformatik idealerweise mit Schwerpunkt Controlling, Accounting, Finance oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation
  • Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung im Controlling – idealerweise im Group Controlling oder Beteiligungscontrolling
  • Tiefe Erfahrung mit Konsolidierung und Lucanet
  • Sichere Kenntnisse bezüglich Budgeterstellungs- und Forecast-Prozessen und ein ausgeprägtes Zahlenverständnis
  • Sehr gute Kenntnisse MS-Office, in SAP und Tableau 
  • Kommunikations- und Durchsetzungsvermögen sowie Teamfähigkeit
  • Organisierte und eigenverantwortliche Arbeitsweise 
  • Fließende Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse
Warum wir?
  • Umfangreiches Onboarding
  • Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten/externe Fortbildungen
  • Unbefristetes Arbeitsverhältnis
  • Flexibles Arbeitszeitmodell mit Homeoffice-Möglichkeit 
  • Start Up-Mentalität mit Duz-Kultur
  • Flache Hierarchien und eine offene, wertschätzende Firmenkultur
  • Variable Vergütung
  • Firmenevents und wöchentliches Kochevent
  • JobRad
  • Mobility Allowance 
  • Gesundheitsprogramme, z. B. Fitness-Angebote 
  • Bezuschusstes Mittagessen 

Über uns

Founded in 2017 and headquartered in Heidelberg, Forward AM is a pioneer in Additive Manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing technologies with over 230 employees working around the globe.

  • Our Vision: Be the solution provider of choice for Additive Manufacturing actors shaping the future of manufacturing.
  • Our Mission: We enable our customers to shape the Additive Manufacturing industrial revolution. Think Big, start Small, act Fast!

We offer a complete portfolio of services and materials for powders, filaments, and photopolymers. Our patented solutions are driving AM technologies forward resulting in a dynamic growth of over 30% annually. Forward AM is also committed to sustainable business practices and environmental responsibility and are continually working to reduce CO2 emissions throughout our product portfolio.

We believe that success is based on Teamwork! Our diverse and multicultural team brings a variety of strengths, skills and expertise to everything we do at Forward AM. We foster a creative working environment that supports the well-being of our employees and helps each and every person realize their full potential.

Join a team where innovation drives a global vision to make the world a better place. The only way to move forward is TOGETHER!

Your mission
  • Responsible contact person for business management topics of the Forward AM Group, in particular with regard to planning, forecasting as well as monthly and annual financial statements 
  • Assuming project responsibility, supporting the implementation and realisation of company-wide standards and the digitalisation of our controlling processes
  • Analysing and commenting on financial statements and key financial figures of national and international subsidiaries
  • Creating and coordinating project/Management Board presentations and presentations for Management Board meetings
  • Carry out reporting on projects, business results, developments and action plans and provide advice on business management issues
  • Provide and further develop the definition of business performance indicator systems for measuring results, costs, liquidity and prices
  • Preparing and continuously developing regular Group-wide financial reporting
  • Creating performance indicators for Group controlling (dashboards, KPls, analyses)
  • Preparation of ad hoc analyses
  • Independent support and advice for subsidiaries
  • Further development of existing BI & reporting systems
  • Optimisation of business management processes
  • Sparring partner for our management and the specialist departments
Your profile
  • Successfully completed studies in economics or business informatics, ideally with a focus on controlling, accounting, finance or a comparable qualification
  • Several years of professional experience in controlling - ideally in group controlling or investment controlling
  • In-depth experience with consolidation and Lucanet
  • Sound knowledge of budgeting and forecasting processes and a strong understanding of figures
  • Very good knowledge of MS Office, SAP and Tableau 
  • Communication and assertiveness skills and ability to work in a team
  • Organised and independent way of working 
  • Fluency in German and English
Why us? 
  • Extensive onboarding
  • Further training opportunities/external training
  • Permanent employment contract
  • Flexible working time model with home office option 
  • Start-up mentality with an informal culture
  • Flat hierarchies and an open, appreciative corporate culture
  • Variable remuneration
  • Company events and weekly cooking event
  • JobRad
  • Mobility Allowance 
  • Health programmes, e.g. fitness offers 
  • Subsidised lunch
About us

Founded in 2017 and headquartered in Heidelberg, Forward AM is a pioneer in Additive Manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing technologies with over 230 employees working around the globe.

  • Our Vision: Be the solution provider of choice for Additive Manufacturing actors shaping the future of manufacturing.
  • Our Mission: We enable our customers to shape the Additive Manufacturing industrial revolution. Think Big, start Small, act Fast!

We offer a complete portfolio of services and materials for powders, filaments, and photopolymers. Our patented solutions are driving AM technologies forward resulting in a dynamic growth of over 30% annually. Forward AM is also committed to sustainable business practices and environmental responsibility and are continually working to reduce CO2 emissions throughout our product portfolio.

We believe that success is based on Teamwork! Our diverse and multicultural team brings a variety of strengths, skills and expertise to everything we do at Forward AM. We foster a creative working environment that supports the well-being of our employees and helps each and every person realize their full potential.

Join a team where innovation drives a global vision to make the world a better place. The only way to move forward is TOGETHER!

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